HKRN PGT Recruitment 2023 – हरियाणा कौशल रोजगार निगम लिमिटेड ने पीजीटी तथा अन्य पदों पर ऑनलाइन आवेदन आमंत्रित किया है | ऑनलाइन आवेदन 1 जनवरी 2023 से शुरू कर दिया गया है | 11 जनवरी 2023 तक ऑनलाइन आवेदन चलेगा | हरियाणा कौशल रोजगार निगम में आई विभिन्न पदों पर भर्ती का नोटिफिकेशन 30 दिसंबर 2022 को जारी किया गया है | इसके आगे नई भर्ती का नोटिफिकेशन उम्मीदवार नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करके डाउनलोड करें | नोटिफिकेशन में जारी शरीफ पात्रता मापदंडों की जांच अवश्य करें ,एचकेआरएन पीजीटी नई भर्ती का आवेदन योग्य उम्मीदवार कर सकते हैं | नीचे ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया इस पेज पर उपलब्ध है | HKRN Recruitment 2023
HKRN PGT Online Form 2023 – हरियाणा कौशल रोजगार निगम लिमिटेड नई भर्ती से जुड़ी सही और सटीक जानकारी उम्मीदवारों को इस पेज पर हिंदी आर्टिकल में प्राप्त होगा | एचकेआरएन पीजीटी में आई विभिन्न पदों पर आवेदन कर रहे आवेदक की योग्यता ,आयु, चयन प्रक्रिया ,आवेदन प्रक्रिया ,सैलरी ,आवेदन शुल्क ,भर्ती से जुड़ी आवश्यक जानकारी अभ्यर्थियों को इस पेज पर क्रमबद्ध तरीके से प्राप्त होगा | हरियाणा कौशल रोजगार निगम द्वारा जारी विभिन्न पदों पर आवेदन कर रहे आवेदक नोटिफिकेशन की गहन जांच करने के बाद ही अपना आवेदन करेंगे | हरियाणा कौशल रोजगार निगम लिमिटेड में दिन प्रतिदिन किसी न किसी पद पर नई भर्ती आ रही है | महिला तथा पुरुष दोनों अभ्यार्थी हरियाणा कौशल रोजगार निगम लिमिटेड में नौकरी करने का सपना देखे हैं | तो इस पेज के माध्यम से जुड़े रहे और हाल में आई भर्ती का आवेदन नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करके करें | HKRN PGT Vacancy 2023

HKRN PGT Various Post Recruitment 2023 –
विभाग |
उत्तराखंड पीएससी पटवारी लेखपाल भर्ती |
पद नाम |
पीजीटी |
कुल पद |
– |
भरने की प्रकृति |
ऑनलाइन |
आवेदन तिथि |
01/01/2023 |
अंतिम की आवेदन तिथि |
11/01/2023 |
अधिकारिक वेबसाइट
| |
नोटिस – भारत के सभी महिला पुरुष उम्मीदवार सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में है | तो उन सभी को सूचित किया जाता है ,कि उनको कहीं भी नौकरी खोजने की जरूरत नहीं है | इस वेबसाइट के माध्यम से सरकारी नौकरी एवं निजी नौकरी की जानकारी पल पल दी जा रही है | सभी भारतीय महिला पुरुष उम्मीदवार यदि घर बैठे नौकरी करना चाहते हैं | तो वर्क फ्रॉम होम नौकरी का आवेदन इस वेबसाइट के माध्यम से करेंगे | सभी भारतीय उम्मीदवार कक्षा दसवीं पास, 12वीं पास या ग्रेजुएट है ,तो नई भर्ती का आवेदन नोटिफिकेशन, एडमिट कार्ड, परीक्षा, रिजल्ट से जुड़ी पल-पल की जानकारी इस पेज पर आकर सबसे पहले प्राप्त करें | HKRN PGT Recruitment 2023 Notification
Post Details –
Name of Post |
No ,Of Vacancy |
PGT Biology |
Soon |
PGT commerce |
Soon |
PGT Economics |
Soon |
PGT Hindi |
Soon |
PGT history |
Soon |
PGT maths |
Soon |
PGT Political Science |
Soon |
PGT Sanskrit |
Soon |
TGT English |
Soon |
TGT Hindi |
Soon |
TGT Maths |
Soon |
TGT Sanskrit |
Soon |
TGT Science |
Soon |
TGT Social Studies |
Soon |
Educations –
Name of Post |
Eligibilities, |
PGT Biology |
(i) B.A./B.Com and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.A. /B.Com with at least 50% marks and I-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.); OR B.A. /B.Com with at least 45% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.); OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year BA/B.Com Ed.; OR B.A./B.Com at least 50% marks and 1-year B.Ed. (Special Education); (ii) In case of B.A. /B.Com , in addition to English, a combination of at least two subjects with at least 50% marks in aggregate individually in the subjects during all the years of study out of the following:- (1)History (2) Political Science (3)Economics (4)Geography (5)Sociology (6) Psychology Note: At least History or Geography should have been for all the three years of Graduation. (iii) In case of B.Ed., Social Studies as a teaching subject from a recognized university; (iv) Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test (HTET) /School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET); (v) Matric with Hindi/ Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject. |
PGT commerce |
(i) B.Sc. and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.Sc. with at least 50% marks and (1- year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.); OR B.Sc. with at least 45% marks and (1- year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.); OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year B.Sc, Ed.; OR B.Sc. with at least 50% marks and 1- year B.Ed. (Special Education); AND (ii) In case of B.Sc., a combination of at least three subjects out of the following:- (1) Physics (2) Chemistry (3) Botany (4) Zoology (5) Mathematics Note: In the case of Hons. Degree, in any of the above mentioned subjects, the candidate must have studied other two subjects in the first and second year of course. (iii) In case of B.Ed., Science as a teaching subject from a recognized university; (iv) Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test (HTET) /School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET); (v) Matric with Hindi/ Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject. |
PGT Economics |
(i) B.A. with at least 50% marks in Hindi as an elective subject and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.A. with at least 50% marks as well as in Hindi as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.); OR B.A. with at least 45% marks as well as 50% marks in Hindi as an elective subject and I -year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.); OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year BA Ed.; OR B.A. with at least 50% marks as well as in Hindi as an elective subject and 1-year B.Ed. (Special Education); (ii) In case of B.Ed., Hindi as a teaching subject from a recognized university; (iii) Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test (HTET) /School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET); (iv) Matric with Hindi/ Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject |
PGT Hindi |
(i) B.A./B.Sc./B.Com with at least 50% marks in Mathematics as an elective subject and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education, OR B.A./B.Sc. /B.Com with at least 50% marks as well as in Mathematics as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.); OR B.A./B.Sc./B.Com with at least 45% marks as well as 50% marks in mathematics as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; |
PGT history |
(i) B.A. with at least 50% marks in Sanskrit as an elective subject and 2- year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.A. with at least 50% marks as well as in Sanskrit as an elective subject and I-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.); OR B.A. with at least 45% marks as well as 50% marks in Sanskrit as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard |
PGT maths |
(i) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized university with at least 50% marks in English as compulsory or elective or Core or Honours subject and English as a teaching subject in BTC/JBT/D.Ed (Diploma in Education) / Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed); OR Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized university with at least 50% marks in English as compulsory or elective or Core or Honours subject and English as a teaching subject in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)/ B.Ed (Special Education) in accordance with the National Council for Teacher Education (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; |
PGT Political Science |
M.A./ M.Sc. Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics with Mathematics as one of the subject at Graduation level with atleast 50% marks and B.Ed from recognised university; ii. Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject iii. Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test(HTET)/ School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET) iv. Consistent good academic record |
PGT Sanskrit |
M.A. Economics/Applied Economics/Business Economics with atleast 50% marks and B.Ed from recognised university; AND ii. Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject; iii. Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test(HTET)/ School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET) iv. Consistent good academic record |
TGT English |
M.A. Political Science with atleast 50% marks and B.Ed from a recognised university; AND ii. Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject iii. Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test (HTET)/ School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET) iv. Consistent good academic record |
TGT Hindi |
M.A. History with atleast 50% marks and B.Ed from recognized university; AND ii. Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject; iii. Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test(HTET)/ School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET) iv. Consistent good academic record |
TGT Maths |
M.A. Hindi with atleast 50% marks and B.Ed from recognised university; AND ii. Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject; iii. Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test(HTET)/ School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET) iv. Consistent good academic record |
TGT Sanskrit |
M.Sc.Zoology/Botany/Bio-Science/Bio Chemistry/ Genetics/Micro-Biology/Plant Pathology/ Bio-technology/Life Science/Molecular Bio with atleast 50% marks provided that the applicant had studied Botany & Zoology at Graduation level and B.Ed. from recognized university; AND ii. Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A |
TGT Science |
M.Com with Accounting/Cost accounting/Financial accounting as a major subject of study with atleast 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university. Holders of degree of M.Com. in Applied/Business Economics shall not be eligible; ii. Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject iii. Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test(HTET)/ School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET) iv. Consistent good academic record |
TGT Social Studies |
M.A. in Sanskrit or Acharya with atleast 50% marks from recognised university; and ii. Shiksha Shastri or Language Teacher Course or Oriental Training in Sanskrit from a recognized university or conducted by Haryana Education Department or B.Ed. from a recognized university; and iii. Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject; iv. Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test (HTET)/ School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET) v.Consistent good academic record |
Age Limit –
उम्मीदवार की न्यूनतम आयु सीमा 18 वर्ष तथा अधिकतम आयु सीमा 42 वर्ष रखा गया है | सरकारी नियमानुसार उम्मीदवारों को आयु में छूट दी जा रही है | 11 जनवरी 2023 तक उम्मीदवार की आयु की गणना की जाएगी | |
Salary –
Name of Post |
Salary |
PGT Biology |
Soon |
PGT commerce |
Soon |
PGT Economics |
Soon |
PGT Hindi |
Soon |
PGT history |
Soon |
PGT maths |
Soon |
PGT Political Science |
Soon |
PGT Sanskrit |
Soon |
TGT English |
Soon |
TGT Hindi |
Soon |
TGT Maths |
Soon |
TGT Sanskrit |
Soon |
TGT Science |
Soon |
TGT Social Studies, |
Soon |
Selection Process –
अंक, सामाजिक-आर्थिक मानदंड आदि सहित विभिन्न कारकों के आधार पर आवेदन की जांच और मेरिट सूची तैयार करना।
दस्तावेज़ सत्यापन
चिकित्सा परीक्षण |
Important Dates –
Event Name |
Dates |
आवेदन के ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण की प्रारंभिक तिथि |
01/01/2023 |
ऑनलाइन आवेदन जमा करने की अंतिम तिथि |
11/01/2023 |
How To Apply –
- सबसे पहले आवेदन के अधिकारी को ऑफिशियल साइट पर जाएं |
- होम पेज पर दिए गए नौकरी अधिसूचना को खोजें और डाउनलोड करें|
- नौकरी अधिसूचना की पूरी जानकारी लेकर फॉर्म का आवेदन करें |
- ऑनलाइन आवेदन करते समय आवेदक अपने सभी आवश्यक जानकारी दर्ज करेंगे |
- किए गए आवेदन पत्र का प्रिंट आउट निकाल ले |
जरुरी लिंक :-